What makes us tick

It’s quite simple really. We feel energized and gratified by the type of work we get to do. We’re not just communicators—it’s so much deeper than that. Employing each of our unique talents, we are storytellers and movement builders. We are change agents, reframers and advocates. And continually proud of the impact we make. Learn more about what drives us in our staff-written blogs.

Granny Franny is named Portland’s next top model

Last week the postcard we created for the Portland Plan hit mailboxes around the city—now our model is famous…or at least The Oregonian says so. Reporter Anne Saker calls Mary Frances “Portland’s next top model.” We agree.  Check out the great coverage.

Rain or shine, baby. Rain or shine.

It was a wet ride in this morning. What you can’t see is the pool of water forming at Karl’s feet or the socks he had to wring out. That’s dedication. 

Granny transformation

Today, the CK crew went to photograph our client’s grandmother for a citywide postcard.  She was most likely the nicest grandmother you’ll ever meet, but our task was to make her as angry as possible.  Check out the transformation.


Watch out, Portland!  

Eating Our Words

We talk about localness and sustainability and now for the third year, we got to eat our words. Tasty words they were this year too. We’re talking about the third annual CK 100-Mile Potluck. For those who missed it,  the idea is to cook something up that uses as many ingredients grown and processed within 100 miles of CK headquarters.

Sustaining Our Sustainability Wins

Summer Party at the Park

The CK gang loaded up two suites at PGE park. Friends and family were invited for food, drinks and baseball. Normally cedar plank salmon might seem a little highbrow for baseball, but this wasn’t just baseball.