What makes us tick

It’s quite simple really. We feel energized and gratified by the type of work we get to do. We’re not just communicators—it’s so much deeper than that. Employing each of our unique talents, we are storytellers and movement builders. We are change agents, reframers and advocates. And continually proud of the impact we make. Learn more about what drives us in our staff-written blogs.

Sustaining Our Sustainability Wins

Summer Party at the Park

The CK gang loaded up two suites at PGE park. Friends and family were invited for food, drinks and baseball. Normally cedar plank salmon might seem a little highbrow for baseball, but this wasn’t just baseball.

New Clean Rivers :15 sec Short

Just wrapped one of three new short :15 sec spots for Clean Rivers and Streams. Each features an action (or inaction) that’s harmful to our rivers. This one’s about making the connection between washing our cars at home and where all that soap and grime goes.

Propaganda Promoting Bike Commuting

Twelve minutes later, Mike clocks in at CK headquarters.

Helping Oregon Tackle the Next Frontier of Smokefree Spaces

The smokefree workplace law has been in effect for over a year.  Oregonians can no longer smoke in restaurants, bars or bingo halls.

Coates Kokes brands the country

Portland Metropolitan Association of Building Owners and Managers (BOMA)’s Carbon4Square challenge – the first of its kind in the country – has recruited 85 office buildings totaling over 14 million square feet to assess and improve environmental performance within their operations.  Representing over 20 percent of the entire Portland metropolitan market, from downtown to surrounding cities, each building team will develop customiz