For the past two years, Coates Kokes has managed the social media outreach efforts for the Regional Coalition for Clean Rivers and Streams, a partnership of eight public agencies in the Portland/Vancouver metropolitan area. During that time we’ve worked to educate people on the impact their ‘backyard behaviors’ have on the health of our local rivers and stream.
We recently completed three :15 videos that were concepted, produced, directed and edited in-house. Each video is centered on an everyday activity (EX: washing a car, children playing in the grass, etc.) and highlights the specific action (or inaction) with regards to that activity that’s harmful to our rivers and stream. The videos were designed to ‘tease’ the viewer and direct them to the client’s website for more information. The videos are currently running as pre-roll on,, and will be posted to the client’s YouTube channel and promoted via Twitter and Facebook.