What makes us tick

It’s quite simple really. We feel energized and gratified by the type of work we get to do. We’re not just communicators—it’s so much deeper than that. Employing each of our unique talents, we are storytellers and movement builders. We are change agents, reframers and advocates. And continually proud of the impact we make. Learn more about what drives us in our staff-written blogs.

First Bocce Match

Is it called a match? Game? In our case, it would be called a "trouncing." We played against SwellPath. And while we did win a few rounds, they demolished us something like 12 to our 6. Well played, SwellPath. Well played. On another note, one of our bocce players mistook the game for dodgeball.


CK PR, Sunset and Pacific City

The PR team has been working hard to get some media attention around all the great activities Pacific City has to offer. The work definitely paid off with an amazing two-page spread in the June 2010 issue of Sunset Magazine.

Recent “Keep it Local” Coverage for the Stephanie Inn

Coates Kokes has been working with Martin Hospitality and their Cannon Beach properties, the Stephanie Inn and the Surfsand Resort, for the past five years. Recently, on KOIN’s “Keep it Local,” the notable Stephanie Inn was featured as one of the most romantic places to go away with your sweetie. Nice job PR team!

Bring Your Daughter to Work

Today Olivia Sheen accompanied her father to Coates Kokes. After meeting everyone and hearing about what they do, dad put her to work concepting ads for The Register-Guard online classifieds. Highlights included discovering the M&M bowl, fetching her dad a cup of coffee and learning how to post this blog.

Happy Earth Day, Earth!

You didn’t think this editorial staff would let Earth Day go by without a post did you? Well, it was decided that we’d bring a smorgasbord of nature-friendly, goodness to our readers.

Eat Your Fiber

Adventist Medical Center recently hosted another of their wellness seminars, this one about The Full Plate Diet and featured the doctors and authors of the book. The book is a NY Times and USA Today bestseller and goes into depth about why a fiber-rich diet is not only healthy but will also help you lose weight. Our own Anne Hoffman was on the scene to bring you this summary of the event.