What makes us tick

It’s quite simple really. We feel energized and gratified by the type of work we get to do. We’re not just communicators—it’s so much deeper than that. Employing each of our unique talents, we are storytellers and movement builders. We are change agents, reframers and advocates. And continually proud of the impact we make. Learn more about what drives us in our staff-written blogs.

What Do You Put On Your Lawn?

Congratulations to Everyone. But Especially the Potluck Winners!

Last Friday, CKers competed in the fourth annual 100-mile potluck. Lots of great food as usual but only three can be winners (or four if there’s a tie, and there was). So this year’s winners are (and BTW, you’ll notice the winners are all women, but this blog contributor will have you know the guys did a great job too):

Lindsay Frank "Most Local Ingredients" with her Rice and Summer Squash

Christina Bertalot "Most Local Ingredients" with her Pork Carnitas 

Anne Hoffman "Best Tasting" with her Peach Salad

Time to Get Your Julia On!

Be vewy vewy quite, I’m hunting cawifwowa.

Alright CKers. Time to source your ingredients from within 100 miles of CK central and turn that local bounty into the best dang casserole ever!

As usual, prizes will be awarded for the dish with the most local ingredients, the best tasting and the best presentation.

Good luck!

State Public Health Officer Dr. Mel Kohn Voted Best Keeper of the Calm for His Work on H1N1

Rid Your Place of Powermongers.

The places we call home are filled with Powermonger breeding grounds. Leaky windows. Thermostats set too high. Computers that are carelessly left in power-save and never get shut off. It’s time we took back our homes and started saving energy.

With help from Avista and Every Little Bit, customers will soon be able to rid their homes of the Powermonger menace and start saving energy.

Avista Wins First Place for Every Little Bit

Avista Utilities entered some work into an industry award competition (Utilities Communication International). Avista won first place for the Every Little Bit campaign as a whole. First place for the :30 TV spot titled "John" aka "Profile." And first place for the "customer" print series. Congratulations all around! The customer outreach communication pieces beat out some tough competition and much larger utilities.